Antonio Jimenez

Senior Software Engineer

About Me

Senior Software Engineer at ThousandEyes part of Cisco.

Recently, he has pivoted his focus towards the domain of observability and microservices.

Tech talks

Opentelemetry, the new gold standard for real time observability

May 2024

JonTheBeach event

ThousandEyes, part of Cisco, collects 30,000 data points per second via Rest API. To simplify integration, we've developed a system using OpenTelemetry, allowing customers to correlate their data with ThousandEyes.

  • Initiative: Adoption of OpenTelemetry for real-time observability.
  • Architecture: Built on existing OpenTelemetry Collector components, processing 3,000 data points per second.
  • Extensions: Developed and planning to contribute to the community.

Concluding with a demo showcasing effortless export of network test data to any observability backend.

What we learned from adopting Opentelemetry

April 2024

Commit Conf event

We've embraced OpenTelemetry for streamlined integration at ThousandEyes, simplifying data correlation with other OpenTelemetry-compliant sources. Our architecture utilizes existing OpenTelemetry Collector components, with additional custom extensions soon to be contributed to the community.

  • Initiative for adopting OpenTelemetry
  • Architecture details
  • Custom component development

Concluding with a demo illustrating how our customers effortlessly export data to any observability backend.

Observability 1o1

November 2023

AlmeriaJS event

¿Qué sabéis sobre observabilidad?

La observabilidad te ayuda a entender mejor tu sistema y saber qué está pasando en todo momento. Y lo más importante, facilita y agiliza el análisis y solución de problemas.

En la charla voy a hablar sobre la Observabilidad y sus pilares: mensajes de logs, métricas y trazas. Además, realizaré una demostración donde podrás ver la Observabilidad en acción y descubrir lo útil que es.


ThousandEyes part of Cisco

Senior software Engineer

January 2023 - Present

Building application to stream network test data to other observability backend using OpenTelemetry

  • Microservices: Java, spring, DynamoDB, kafka, Gradle, Redis
  • Opentelemetry: Otel Collector, Go, Honeycomb
  • Observability: Grafana, Prometheus, Kibana, PagerDuty, Sentry, Signoz, HoneyComb, AppDynamic
  • Deployment: Terraform, AWS, Docker, K8s, ArgoCD
  • CI/CD: Mockito, Jenkins, GitAction
  • Project: Jira, Github, Backstage, Confluence


software Engineer

July 2023 - November 2023

Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain, and enhance microservices.

  • Skills: Java, Spring, RabbitMQ / Kafka, Angular, ElasticSearch, Docker, Kubernetes
  • Observability: Elastic Stack (ECK, APM, Kibana), Prometheus, Grafana
  • Best Practices: Solid Principles, Clean Code, CI/CD, TDD

RTI (Real-Time Innovations)

Senior software Engineer

March 2017 - July 2023

Building middleware to communicate data between machines following DDS specification

  • CORE team member, contributing to RTI Connext DDS products.
  • Designed and developed features in C, C++, and Java.
  • Documented APIs, analyzed performance, and provided customer solutions.
  • Led recruitment, onboarding, and leading mentoring team.


software Engineer

June 2016 - March 2017

Configured and automated network components using Python and RESTful API.

  • Implemented automation with Jenkins and Jira, managed code in Gerrit.
  • Produced documentation in Confluence.
  • Validated code with Mock Python testing.


Linköping University

Erasmus - BSc Computer Science

2015 - 2016

Granada University

BSc Computer Science

2012 - 2017

A Little More About Me

Alongside my interests in software engineering some of my other interests and hobbies are: